I've just pulled Android 4.0 ICS source code by using repo shell command behind firewall.
What I've done are:
1. In home directory
$ mkdir bin # create bin directory as Android recommends
$ vi .bashrc # add bin directory to PATH environment
2. Add below line to .bashrc file
export PATH=/home/{user_name}/bin:$PATH
3. Save and adapt changes
$ source .bashrc
4. Get repo shell
# install curl if you don't have it by using synaptic package installer or apt-get ...
$ curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo
> ~/bin/repo --proxy {proxy_ip}:{proxy_port}
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo # add executable attribute to shell file
5. Create working directory and move into it
$ mkdir Android && cd Android
6. export http_proxy attribute
$ export http_proxy={proxy_ip}:{proxy_port}
7. Init repo branch
$ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest # for checking out other branches see android developer page
8. Finally you can get the source code
$ repo sync
Enjoy ICS!
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